Survey of Energy Conservation in India 2021, 3rd Edition
In our 3rd Edition – “Survey of Energy Conservation in India 2021”, we have included all major changes during the last 20 years since the EC Act 2001 came into effect and energy saving achievements during 2019-20. This edition has a comprehensive chapter on PAT, which has been expanded from cycle I to cycle VI, from sectors 8 to 13, and the designated consumers from 478 to 1073.
This 344 pages book features India Energy Scenario; Indian Encon History upto EC Act; India's Energy Efficiency Initiatives; PAT Schemes I to VI for Energy Saving in Industrial Sectors, Energy Savings in India: 2019-20; 30 Years of MoP's 'National Energy Conservation Awards' Scheme; CII GBC and "National Award for Excellence in Energy Management"; India's Top 100 Energy Efficient Units; Energy Efficient Appliances; State Designated Agencies (SDAs); Directory of AEAs, ESCOs, SDAs, Equipment Suppliers.
The special attraction of this edition is focus on the two national energy awards, namely: “National Energy Conservation Award”, presented by the Ministry of Power, Government of India through BEE at New Delhi, and “National Award for Excellence in Energy Management”, awarded by CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre at Hyderabad. In the case of CII Energy Awards, we have also included a consolidated list of 962 award recipient industrial units, buildings and others from 2014 to 2020.
We have included special write-ups on energy award winning 100 energy efficient industrial units from 30 sectors across the country. Each special write-up gives a complete picture of the unit, its historical/corporate background, products, unit’s profile, unit level leadership, energy mix, consumption and savings, SEC and benchmarks, three years’ energy savings data, PAT achievements, energy saving projects, energy team, etc.
Price Per Copy: Rs 5000/- + Rs 200/- (courier charges) and USD 400 (Outside India)
Survey of Energy Conservation in India 2014, 2nd Edition
In the last 12 years since the EC Act came into effect and BEE was set up, there has been a sea change in the scenario of energy conservation and energy efficiency in India. During this period, the many provisions of the EC Act became mandatory from voluntary adoption, BEE successfully implemented almost all the 10 thrust areas of its Action Plan of 2002, the Government amended the EC Act in August 2010 to add some new provisions and BEE came out with a unique PAT scheme, initially for eight energy intensive industries, which have been termed as Designated Consumers (DCs) in the Act.
Following its thrust areas, BEE has created about 11000 energy professionals by conducting 14 national examinations for certification of energy managers and energy auditors from May 2004 to August 2013; awarded accreditation to 150 certified energy auditors and 137 energy service companies (ESCOs); made the energy audits and appointment of energy managers compulsory for DCs; developed seven best practices manuals and codes for industrial equipments; introduced Star labels for 18 appliances till December 2013; set an example for energy savings in buildings by conducting energy audits and implementing EE measures in more than 25 prestigious establishments of the Central Government in two phases using ESCO model; initiated steps for implementation of ECBC for new buildings and short listed 37 architects for ECBC compliance. BEE has also introduced Star rating for buildings like BPOs, Government offices, commercial buildings etc.
Besides all these, the Ministry of Power's National Energy Conservation Awards Scheme, introduced in 1991, has saved 4292 MW equivalent avoided capacity addition in the last 15 years, from 1999-2013. In monetary terms, the savings are worth Rs 22816 crores.
In our "Survey of Energy Conservation in India 2014," we have made best efforts to present the complete picture of energy sector, various aspects of EC Act, various policy decisions taken by the Ministry of Power, BEE steps for energy conservation and improving energy efficiency, launch of PAT Scheme and many such other features. It is a 504 pages unique book comprising of 14 sections namely: Introduction to Energy; World Energy Sector; India Energy Sector; Energy Conservation; Energy Efficiency Measures; Energy Efficiency in Buildings; Energy Professionals and ESCOs; Energy Management; NAPCC-NMEEE; PAT Scheme; Industries under PAT Scheme; Technical Features; Legal Framework; Listings-EE Equipments/Services and Directory.